Saturday, August 9, 2008

Meet My Girl

Wednesday I started my job at the school. I worked last year as a paraprofessional with an Autistic boy in our preschool. I will continue to work with him three afternoons a week. I was only supposed to work with this girl in Kindergarten 3 hours a day, but after a trial run on Wednesday the school hired me to work with her full time. I'll be working with her in the mornings and when preschool starts she'll go with me. She is beautiful and smart and funny. I worked with her in preschool a few years ago when I was just volunteering. It's amazing how much she has changed in just a few years. She's taller, she can speak now, and she knows so many people. I swear she's related to half the school. The kids in her Kindergarten class amaze me also. They accept her, include her and love her. Never once have they been mean or hurtful.
She can't say Roxanne so she calls me Rox. My Rox is what she calls me. It's so rewarding to me to see her face light up when she sees me and yell My Rox! She gives the best hugs and kisses. She has come such a long way since preschool. I'm excited to work with her this year and witness firsthand the learning and growing she'll do.


The Prices!! . said...

How great! It takes someone special to work with the special needs. My mother has worked with them for 16 years, and loves it. I'm glad you are enjoying it.

Anonymous said...

She seems like a great child to work with. Your just the person she needs. Just love and help her she is a child of God too.Good luck & thanks for the good time on Sunday we really enjoyed it. Love NANA & PAPA give my girls some XOXOXO.....

Susan Vargas said...

Rox - you're so all my hero! Look at all the good you do, it really does take someone very special to work with children with learning deficits. I don't need to tell you, but I want you to know, I am impressed!