Friday, February 20, 2009

We have people!

In case you need help. Let me spell it out for you!! I have never been one to fret over doing my taxes. Since I had my first job at McDonald's I have been going to H&R Block to get my taxes done (I love my people, more like my lady. I've gone to the same lady for years now. She's great! She's always pleasant, very friendly, knows me well, and gives me money. What more could you ask for during tax time? I LOVE my lady!). I rather enjoy tax time. We haven't ever had to pay and having a little extra money when the check comes in is always nice.
In today's economy whose money doesn't say goodbye. Like that commercial says..... Too much month at the end of your money? I really feel for all those people out there that HAVE to live pay check to pay check. I'm sure all of us have had at least a little experience in having to do this. I did and for way longer than I would like to admit. Not a comfortable way of life. I'm not sure how we'll come out this year on our taxes. I do know that with the majority of our refund we're going to put it away, we may use a little for a household item or two. Everyone is talking about the economy and how we need to spend spend spend to jump start the recovery. I think that's what got us here. I just can't see how running out and buying a new car or a big screen T.V. is going to help me in the long run. So as soon as our check gets here (no matter how big or how small), we'll be kissing it GOODBYE and sending it on it's way straight to our savings account. I'd like to know what all of you are planning to do with your refunds. Leave a comment!

I'm obviously not dead or dying so I guess I'll be paying my people to do my taxes. I'm very thankful to live in this country, to pay taxes that support this country, to have a job to go to, and ultimately get a refund check in the mail. Wooohooooo, I love tax season!


Bev said...

Well, our taxes are done. Should get $ in our account within 2 weeks. This electronic stuff is fast, however, we don't get much back, we never do, being business owners and such. So, I think with our $ .50 refund, we're going to purchas stuff to do square foot gardening on our patio, yep, fresh veggies all summer long. Learned about it at Enrichment and Newel is excited to get started. One more step to becoming more self suffecient. Love that post by the way! Great!

Garner Family said...

Well we got our money back last week and here is what we did. We took some to Costco to stock up, paid a big chunk on one of our bigger bills and the rest in savings for Disneyland in the summer. I think this year we were pretty wise with our return!