Monday, February 9, 2009

I love Sunday's!

Sunday has not always been favorite day of the week. The more the kids grow up, the more hectic our schedules get. It's nice to have one day a week spent as a family from start to finish.
The girls didn't always like to go to church either. Well, they did, but mom couldn't leave their sight or screaming would begin. Now they love to go, and sometimes they can even go to separate classes. Who would have thought that was possible. My girls are pretty much inseparable. They spend so much time together. I spent a lot of time with my siblings too, but much of the time was spent arguing or picking on each other. It's a rare occurrence for that to happen with the girls.

We all love going to church. Especially since we get to sit by Daddy!! I absolutely love sitting by my husband as a family. For years (yes I said years!) that wasn't possible. Every Sunday seemed like more of a struggle than a blessing. More Sunday's than I would like to admit, it was just easier to stay in bed or spend the day together at home. All that has changed. I think I really took for granted having an active husband. Well, lesson learned. Never again!
So yesterday we went to Benson for church. My Uncle James and a hunting buddy were down. Tammy and Araya were also down from Montana!! We couldn't miss going to mom's to see everyone! It was great fun. It was one of those days when you're so excited to see everyone you totally forget to take a single picture. Uncle James is as fun as ever. Araya is getting so big and I can't believe how long Tammy's hair is. It was great going back to my home ward and seeing everyone. It's amazing how much things can change and time can pass, but when you arrive home it's like you never left. We got a dusting of snow overnight. I just had to snap a picture. We're supposed to get more tonight. I can't wait!
Here are my two beautiful girls getting ready to go to Nana's church! They were so excited to go they were ready early!

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