Friday, February 6, 2009

Back in the saddle??

Not just yet. I am feeling better, thanks to all those who have called and checked in on me. I can honestly say I HATE MRSA! What an experience. I still don't feel right and my head kills me all the time. For the moment I can sit at the computer and not cry so....... Yes I am feeling better. Hopefully I'll be back at work on Monday. I'm sick of staying home. Leah thanks for all your advice on MRSA it came in very handy. I will do absolutely anything to never get this again! Give me strep any day. Hope everyone is doing well. I'll be back in the bloggin saddle again soon.!


James and Tammy Stanley said...

good to hear you are feeling better! Being sick is the pits!

Susan Vargas said...

MRSA? MRSA? How on earth did you contract it? You may have a law suit and should check into that. Oh my goodness. There's a woman in our ward here in LA who has had it for months, she has to have ongoing blood transfusions to stave it off. Oh honey, I'm so sorry and God bless you.

Bev said...

We miss you RottenAnne...hope you're doing better real soon. Take really good care...and keep bloggin and healin!!