Thursday, June 5, 2008

The things I can do........

when my kids are at Nanas. My mom came and got the kids yesterday right after their reading program. She is going to have them until Saturday. It's amazing how you can be so happy and so sad at the same time. Let's start with Happy.

It's so peaceful in the morning. I can exercise, go back to bed, get up when I want to. I can do dishes and wipe the table, and sweep the floor. Come dinner time the kitchen is still clean......who knew! I can listen to LOUD music as I clean, I can watch my kind of t.v. shows (no spongebob or Tom and Jerry for a few days). I ca have cold cereal if I want to for dinner. I can have quiet time with hubby and not have to worry about Mom I need a snack, Mom where's my glass of water, Mom will you play a game with me, Mom Mom Mom! It's so nice to just sit with my feet up and veg if I want to. Kitchen is clean, DVD collection alphabetized, beds made, rooms clean, and floor vacuumed. I still have one whole day of self centered, self absorbed, selfishness!!

On to the sad part of the story. It's amazing how much you can miss the kids. Snuggling in the mornings, hearing them giggling together, wrestling with them. Even their little stories, their smells, their smiles. It's nice to have a break but it is also lonely. I love being a mom more than anything. I have my dream job! So when I get to take a vacation from my job it's a little weird. When I left this morning for my walk, out of habit, I put the sign on the door that says Mom went for a walk, I turned the t.v. to cartoons and double locked the door. When I walked up my drive way after my walk and got to the front door my first thought was, I wonder if the girls are up. I even sat and watched cartoons while I ate breakfast. I don't like to call them when their away because Alex always will cry. Their voices on the phone sound so different than in person, they sound so little. Having them away puts my role as a mother back in perspective. It's amazing how much a mother and her children can depend on each other to be happy and to function. I love having my kids gone, but I would much rather have them here. I can't wait for Saturday to come. So, I'm off to read, maybe take an afternoon bubble bath, and maybe have a movie marathon. Those of you whose kids are home, give them a big hug just for the heck of it, maybe drop everything and play a game! Enjoy them. Enjoy being a mom.


Linda said...

Roxanne, You are so cute! I love the things you write....I could learn lots from you! It is true how we want a break but when we get it - we want our kids back....they are our lives! We DO have the best job.

Amie said...

I loved your post Roxanne! It made me want to go get my kids out of bed and play games! However, what you're doing does sound awful nice too...CLEAN kitchen (what does that look like?), bubble bath...WHAT is THAT? I won't see a break for a while , but I am going to live through you and think about you enjoying your break! :) Have a great time! Live it up! Then on Saturday you can go back to having the BEST job in the world!

The Prices!! . said...

After just coming home from our
"2nd Honeymoon" I know exactly how you are feeling. We loved being alone in California, but we kept talking, and thinking about the kids. If you get to missing your kids to much you can come over to my chaos, I mean house, and then maybe you will enjoy your quiet even more.