Monday, June 2, 2008

Fun in the Sun!

If you know anything about us at all, you'll know that come summer time you have a hard time getting a hold of us. We're either in the pool or gone. This weekend we were both!
Another fun weekend in the sun. We spent the weekend at my moms house. We spent all day in the pool at my moms, even had lunch poolside and didn't get out until the sun was going down. My mom is soooo tan it's crazy. I'm a little burned but hopefully it will just turn brown. Thank goodness for Coppertone for the kids! They are tan now, no burns, yay!!
My mom was house sitting so we got to go and have a sleepover at that house! It was fun, almost like being in a hotel. This hotel came equipped with kids toys and a full service kitchen for free! Well worth the trip! Most of our summer pictures are going to be of us in the pool. We live in the water once school is out. There may be a few beach or vacation pictures. Get ready for a long summer of looking at swimming pool pictures!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Roxanne, you have to be the funnest Mom Ever! What lucky girls!