Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Summer Reading Program Week 8

Today was the final day of the reading program. Next week is the pool/pizza party. All the kids that participated received a certificate for all their reading. Today was a pretty laid back day at the library. We read a book, made a bug craft, picked out our free book and it was time to go.
After the library we went to the city pool. We packed a lunch and had a little picnic in the park that's by the pool with some friends of ours. The gnats were so bad, poor Alex has little red bites all over her face. You can tell by her face she is not having much fun!
This is in the pool's locker room. The kids wanted a picture by the mermaid.
Sydney and Alex and a friend from our ward. I thought for sure we would get rained out today. The clouds were very threatening but it never did rain. The water was even nice. I thought since there hasn't been much sun it would've been cold. Alex was a little grumpy when we first got there. Getting 6 shots yesterday just so she could go to Kindergarten made her really not want to do anything today because she was a little sore. When it came time to leave the pool she was whining she wanted to stay.It turned out to be a great day!


Amie said...

Roxanne! I miss out on so much when I don't make my blog rounds for a couple of days! Happy 10th anniversary! It's a BIG one! :) The candy poster was cute! Poor Alex about the shots. I still remember when my Alex got his. He practically mauled me after the first one and wanted to sit on my lap for the rest. He's a 58 pound kidand I was 9 mo. pregnant at the time, so that was interesting. Our school starts in another week and two days. I really CAN NOT believe that I'm sending my baby off to school this year. How sad, and happy at the same time! The girls' bacpacks are so cute!

Amie said...

I forgot that I wanted to leave a memory I have of you. I wasn't sure where to post it, since that post is way down on the page...I didn't know if you'd check your comments down there. I remember when you had Sydney, it was around Thanksgiving. I remember coming to your mom's house and seeing you laying in your old bed that we had all tried to sleep on so many times, holding your beautiful little baby girl. I remember looking at you in awe and thinking, "Wow, Roxanne is so grown up! She's got it all figured out and put together. She's a mommy now." I was still going to school and trying to figure out "who I was" and here my good buddy Roxanne was holding one of the Lord's angels. I still remember how beautiful you looked that day. I've never seen you shine brighter. It was a good day!