Thursday, July 17, 2008

10 years and loving it!!

Our story began July 17, 1998. We have added many chapters to our book of life. Children, homes, pets, cars, and jobs just name a few. We're looking forward to many more years of happiness spent with one another as a family. I love being "Wife" and a mother to our two beautiful girls. I am so blessed to have a friend and husband like Clayton. Our marriage may not be perfect, but I can honestly say it is fun. We are constantly laughing at and with one another.

Clay and I first met in early morning seminary. He had just returned home from his mission to Argentina, and was substituting our class. I, of course, was the class clown and was very disruptive. He got the best of me though, by turning the tables on me. By the end of class everyone was making fun of me instead of him. I remember telling his sister I wouldn't be caught dead dating him. Little did I know what was in store for me!

After graduating High School we began dating. We dated for almost exactly one year before he asked me to marry him. It was May 10Th (he thought it was my birthday which is May 12Th), and we had plans to go out to dinner. I ran home from work, changed clothes and got all dolled up for a romantic evening. Clay calls, "How about we go hiking instead?" Talk about getting a girl angry. It took me two hours to get pretty!! I threw my hair in a ponytail, swallowed my anger, and we were off to the mountains. The whole way out to the hiking spot I was upset. I didn't talk much, drove to fast, and was not in the mood for having fun. After jumping some railroad tracks and almost breaking the car and almost getting stuck in a running wash, we parked the car and started hiking. I was not a happy hiker at this point. We found a little stream and decided to hike along it. Clay went one way, I went the other. After stumbling for a while I decided to sit on a rock and pout. Clay yelled" Roxy, come look at the rock I found." No thanks! I reluctantly went and looked. It looked like every other rock by the stream just with a little more moss on it. I went back to sitting on my pout rock. Clay yelled again" Roxy, you gotta see this rock, it's beautiful." NO WAY! I didn't budge. He came to my rock, "Roxy, please turn around and look at my rock." I turn around and there he is on one knee holding a ring. "Will you marry me?" I couldn't believe it. I was so angry at him! All I could say was Clayton!!! Once again he turned the tables on me. Of course I said yes, and instantly turned my frown upside down. We were married for time and all eternity in the Mesa Arizona temple 2 months and 1 week later. The rest is history!


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary - and many more! Love, Aunt Debbie

The Prices!! . said...

I am very happy for you, and don't forget to e-mail those pictures. Have a great day and a happy anniversary!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary you two. I hope you had a great day! Love, Chalice

Gaylene said...

That is the cutiest story!! I hope you had a wonderful Anniversary. We are coming up on our 10th and I can't believe it. Time fly when your havin' fun.

Amy Wing said...

That's a great story! Thanks for sharing! I wish we lived closer - I have a feeling I'd love hanging out with you and making a general pest of myself. ;)