Friday, July 18, 2008

Memories of Me

I saw this on a friends blog. It brought back a pretty funny memory so I thought I would try it.

Here's how you play:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together. I doesn't matter how long you've known me, anything you remember.

2. next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory of you. It's pretty funny to see some of the things that people remember about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll know you're playing and come to your blog (or e-mail those non-bloggers) and leave one about you.


The Prices!! . said...

Ok, I remember the first time I saw you I was at Safeway in Benson with my cousin Cindy. Cindy suggested since you really didn't like me that we should avoid your line. It was probably a good thing, because you would have seen me with her and known it was me. Then years later when I showed up at your house to be your friend, you would have slammed the door in my face!! I am glad we are friends.

Nora said...

Hey Roxanne. I was commenting on Sara Price's blog and Billy saw your comment and realized it was you. So his memory of you is riding home on the bus after a wrestling match and Jason crawling under the bus seats to dip your hand in warm water to make you pee while you were sleeping.

Billy says: Good times! Good times! Hope to hear from you. Our blog site is

Nora and Billy

Linda said...

There are so many memories Roxy! But I will always remember your house as being the funnest place to hang out. You Mom especially was always jammin' out to some good music - listening to 93.7 radio station. I remember watching the movie Ferris Bueller's (sp?) day off for the first time at your house on Prickly Pear. My brain is very forgetful these days... I know there's a really good memory that should stand out, but it's not coming to me. I hope this works. But I will always remember you as being the funnest, most outgoing person who was friends with EVERYONE. You've always been that FUN person.