Friday, May 29, 2009

Summer memories

Here are a few of my very favorite summer memories.

We went to EFY in Utah at the BYU campus at least twice. It was sooooo fun. I remember it costing a lot of money and my dad would always foot the bill. It was the most amazing week, full of spiritual talks, friends, and of course no parents. I loved driving up in our tan van. My dad turned the middle seat of the van around to face the rear seat. We had a few other kids riding up with us. We had a radio in the middle on the floor and the tunes cranked up. The trip up and back was fun not to mention a week long of non stop activities and fun. It was well worth the money for those memories!

Oh, the memories made at girls camp! I borrowed this picture from you Nora.....thanks! I'm the one in the very back row with sunglasses and a sun visor on my head. I know, I know, what a dork! Believe me this is a GOOD picture of that year. Many of the girls would hunt me down if I posted some of the pictures of that crazy year. Anyone remember the lightning hitting the tree and we all freaked out? That was the loudest scariest noise I have ever heard. I got to know more girls from a week at girls camp than I did a whole year at school. Non stop fun. I looked forward to going every year!

We always went on a family vacation. I loved our vacations. We have so many pictures of the scenery, I don't know where half the places are but we have pictures! My dad was good at taking tons of scenery pictures. Go Dad! We went to Yellowstone, Mt. Rushmore, Canada, Wyoming, and somewhere where there were tons of dead and alive Armadillos crossing the highway. That's just to name a few! I love my parents for these trips. I'm sure they were expensive not to mention exhausting but what fun memories I have of family vacations! When in Canada, we got into a car accident. The guy that hit is put us up in the nicest hotel. We had a great time waiting out the car repairs. We even went to a park and camped and there were big horn sheep walking through the campsites. FUN!

Almost every year we would stay a week at Uncle Hoke's and Aunt Diane's. We would live in their pool. We would always catch a baseball game. One year she took us to a museum and we got to make different crafts. I still have a mask I made. We always had a good time at their house. Cook outs, baseball games, movies and of course watermelon!

My parents ALWAYS took us to the Tucson Toros baseball games. I still have bats and balls and various things they would give away to kids. We were always there early, stayed late, ate concession stand food and had a blast. Sometimes it would just be our family, other times we had a car full of kids. We got to run around the ballpark, catch foul balls, and just hang out and enjoy the atmosphere! I wonder if my bats are worth something.........hmmm something to look into.

Grandma Holyoak's trailer. Not only did we most of the time go to the Lofgreen Family Reunion, we also got to stay out in Grandma's trailer in the yard. When all the cousins would go visit, this was one of our favorite things to do. We thought we were soooo COOL staying in the trailer. It was a blast and something I will never forget.

And last but not least.............. otter pops! What is summer without these inexpensive, super yummy treats! My favorite! I can eat these things all day long. By the pool, in the house or on the road!! My favorite flavor is little orphan orange, Alex's favorite flavor is Alexander the grape, and Sydney's favorite flavor is Poncho punch. Daddy would just rather have an Oreo shake.
I'm curious to see what fond memories my kids will remember most when they get older. Hopefully they remember having as much fun with their parents and their cousins as I do mine. This now completes our trip down summer memories lane, please exit to the right in a calm orderly fashion and tip your tour guide!

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