Friday, May 1, 2009

Spirit Week in a nut shell

Oh, the joys of working at an elementary school! Yes, I did participate every day. The girls wanted to so of course I had to join in the fun as well. Monday was Sports Day.
Daddy was already at work so we had to take pictures by ourselves. Here's the best of the best.
Tuesday was P.J. day. All the kids LOVED this day. There were a lot of really cute P.J.'s out there!
By the end of the day I was sooooo ready to get out of my jammies. It was fun in the beginning but I don't want to wear my jammies to work again anytime soon!
Wednesday was hat day. Sydney wore her mad hatters hat from her Halloween costume, Alex and I both wore one of Dad's camo hats. All the boys thought we were pretty cool wearing camo.
Thursday was different shoe day. Poor Alex. One of her sandals was a heeled one and the other wasn't. She wobbled and hobbled all day long.
Friday was wear your Greeenway shirt day (or just Green). Lots of kids did this day. Most of the teachers wear their Greenway shirts every Friday so this was an easy day for me. The girls had a blast (and I hate to admit it but so did I). Can't wait to see what we get to do next year!


Bev said...

You are the most fun mom! your little girls are so lucky to have you with them at school everyday! Cute!

Unknown said...

Schools are absolutely the best place to work : ) I wouldn't change my job for anything (except perhaps the opportunity to write full-time)