Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Big Game!

This is sooo late but I finaly had time to upload the video. The original was huge, the quality isn't as great but I would have never gotten it uploaded otherwise~

Sydney was so excited to cheer on Friday night. My mom came down to watch and believe it or not Clay was home in time to go to the game with us. Alex was very supportive and loved learning the cheers too. On the way home she was a little sad. I think she felt a little left out, maybe even a little tired since it was so late. Nana stayed the night, so that helped our little punkin feel better!
Sydeny loved dancing and cheering with her friends! She did a great job!
The High School cheereleaders were amazing. They had so much ebergy and they were so positive to the kids. The kids peformed after just two days of practise. They all did great. The game however is another story. When we left at half time at 9:00pm, the score was Bisbee 3, Showlow 45 hmmmmmmmmmm.....wonder how it turned out??

1 comment:

Chalice said...

Way to go Sydney!! You look FABULOUS!!!