Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Love of my life Tag!

LOL, ok I guess I should really thank Amy for this. I also saw it on Chalice's blog but I always take things from hers so I decided not to do it. Besides, she didn't tag me. Now I see Amy has done it. You know Roxy, she has to be like everyone else. So I too, am now stealing the tag.

What is your Husbands name: Clayton

How long have you been married: 10 1/2 years but it still feels like it was just yesterday.

How long did you date: Almost exactly a year and 2 months.

How old is he: 33....he'll get his senior discount a whole 4 years before me.......HAHA

Who eats more sweets: He eats more in Reese's Peanut Butter cups but I eat more Ice Cream

Who said I love you first: It went like this....Roxy: I like your shirt Clay. Clay: I love you too! Roxy: Wait what did you say??!! Clay: I love you Roxy. Awwww I still get chills!

Who is taller: Clay and Sydney definitely is taking after him!

Who is the better singer:Clay in Spanish, me in the car.

Who smarter: Clay in just about everything but house work and spelling.

Who does the laundry: Me, I'm very picky about my laundry almost to the point of being obsessive compulsive

Who pays the bills: I did for the longest time but just recently we started doing it together, I actually like doing it now!

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed: Clay always has

Who mows the lawn: I do because of his allergies but he does use the weed eater occasionally

Who cooks the dinner: I do but he's always willing to if the need be.

Who drives: Him, I have a hard time going the speed limit and he doesn't like that

Who is the first to say they are wrong: Me, only him when he actually is wrong which is never!!

Who kissed who first: Clay kissed me.........woohoo!!

Who asked who out : He had his little sister ask me out,(thanks Tara for introducing me to my eternal companion) news to me he even liked me :)

Who wears the pants: He does but when he's gone I like to play dress up!

Now, I tag all the people reading this that haven't done it yet! Thanks Amy and Chalice that was fun!

1 comment:

Chalice said...

Glad you did the tag!! You can use my stuff anytime! That's funny about the senior discount...and I'm even older Ewwww!!!