Sunday, October 12, 2008

Out to lunch!

Yay for me!! I talked Clay into letting me get book 4. Well not really. When I was in Benson for the game I made my mom take me to Walmart so I could buy it. Then when I got home I told Clay I had bought it. He was not happy with that, but I explained I had to house sit until Wed. and I would need something to do besides clean and play with animals. He would be home with the kids so it wasn't like I was going to neglect anyone! Plus being in a new house at night with the different creaks! I needed a good distraction. I'll have to try really hard to pace myself and make the 756 pages last until Wednesday. We'll see how strong I am. So as for the rest of the world, you're on your own until I finish the book! I'm out to lunch and I'm going to enjoy it. Have a great fall break everyone, see ya in a week or so!!! Thanks Clay for being so nice about my ya!!


Amy said...

You better be done reading by Wednesday!!! Since you're coming to visit me and all :)

The Egans said...

Holy flippen crap can I tell ya.. that one you are a cheater for stealin my backround!! LOL 2 I am almost done with breaking dawn. I;ve read almost the entire saga in 3 weeks!! what the flip!! Love ya!

Linda said...

I'm reading Breaking Dawn right now too! I'm a slow reader, you'll probably beat me. LOVE the "addicts leave me some lovin" - freakin' hilarious. That's exactly what it is - I will admit I'm an addict. Wish we were neighbors.