Sunday, November 2, 2008

8 Tag

8 Tag........ It's a two parter so get ready!

8 Tag!Here are the rules:

1. Post the rules on your blog
2. Answer the six "8" items
3. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

Number One:

8 Favorite TV shows:
1. C.S.I. (Las Vegas only)
2. Survivor
3. The Amazing Race
4. The Hills
5. Pushing Daises
6. Eleventh Hour
7. Law and Order: Criminal Intent
8. 48 hours mystery / Dateline / 20/20

8 Things I did yesterday:
1. Took a shower
2. Went to baby Araya's blessing
3. Visited with family
4. Held Araya and loved and kissed her and rocked her to sleep
5. Watched a DVD Clay made
6. Went to Walmart where Clay bought me the book The Host by Stephanie Meyer!
7. Read my new book some
8. Watched Mad T.V. then went to bed.

8 Things I look forward to:
1. Thanksgiving
2. Sydney's Baptism
3. Christmas
4. Seeing James, Tammy, and Araya again
5. The end of the Iraq war
6. Going to work and seeing all the kids
7. Spending time with my hubby and kids
8. Christmas shopping!

8 Restaurants:
1. Olive Garden
2. Chili's
3. Texas Roadhouse
4. Macayo's
5. Tachos Tacos
6. Magaly's
7. McDonald's (with the kids)
8. Pizza hut

8 Things on my wish list:
1. FAMILY vacation to the beach
2. Tile in the hall living room and kitchen
3. new pots and pans
4. no debt
5. new computer desk
6. go to Argentina
7. All the latest stuff for scrapbooking
8. any movie we don't already have

8 People I tag:
1. Amie W.
2. Linda
3. Sara
4. Terianne
5. Amy D.
6. Nora
7. Chalice
8. Anyone else that wants too!

By the way, I'm not going to tag you by leaving a comment on your blog so if you read it, do it....

Number Two:

Find on your computer, your 4th picture album's 4th picture...then post it.
Here's mine:

It was our first Christmas together as a married couple. Look how little Colin is! This was at Clay's parents house in Pomerene in 1998.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I must say that had I known Colin then, I may have kept walking! Ha ha! Don't tell!! He's a great hubby and SUPER cute now...but that hair! Uh! But you Roxy, have always been adorable :)