This was once again a birthday to remember. No party, no stress, no large amounts of people to entertain. Just a fun evening spent together as a family. My kind of party! What a fun time we had. I hope Sydney had as much fun as we did. Thanks to Nana and Papa and the rest of the gang that sent the balloons and gift to the school. Sydney was so excited!

Of course, what is a birthday without presents. Sydney got a lot of things but not the one thing she really wanted. She really wanted some Magic Tree House books. Since Alex has been sick I haven't had time to get to sierra vista and pick her up some. She is so excited to go to the bookstore today with daddy and buy some. Thanks to all of you who sent her money, she can now go and get the books she really wanted!

There is always at least one DVD given as a gift. Sydney was so excited to get Wall-E. You can just see it on her face. She also got
Kung Fu Panda (thanks Nana and Papa), which we watched last night. It was a cute movie. Now you know why we have the movie collection we do!

By far, the BEST thing she got for her birthday was this game. What a hoot! We had so much fun playing it as a family. We kept saying "let's play ONE more time". After about ten more times of that, mean mom and dad finally said no more. We watched a movie instead.

This game is kind of like Guess Who but can also be played like charades. We had a blast! The person wearing the body doesn't know what they are. They have to ask questions to try to guess what they are. Here is Sydney as an Octopus.

here is Alex in her true form, a monkey!

Daddy being a baby. We laughed and laughed. The girls got a huge kick out of this one! Kodak moment!

Here is another round. Sydney was a hippo, Daddy was a spider, and Alex was a fish. Too funny!

After everyone else went to bed, Sydney and I stayed up playing the game some more. As soon as she woke up guess what she wanted to do. Play with her new littlest pet shop toys? Watch a new movie? Read dsome of her new books? Oh no, she wanted to play her new game. I said I couldn't right now, she then asked if she could play it with her stuffed animals (since Dad and Alex were still in bed). I just had to laugh. What a silly girl! We love you Sydney we hope you had a Happy Birthday!
Right on! Where did you get that game? We have quite the collection and are running out of ideas quickly. Seriously, comment on my blog and tell me where I can buy it. Please?
Hey Roxy! THanks for leaving that comment about the game. As for ones we love, Apples to Apples (Jr.) since the girls can read now. And a simple game called Farkle, although some people call it Chicken or Guts or 10,000. Its a dice game. Can't buy it in stores though. If you are interested I can e-mail you the directions and all you need are 6 dice.
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