Thursday, November 13, 2008

Another good read!

Wow, does Stephanie have it or what! This book is very different from the twilight series but VERY good. In the beginning it is a little hard to get into but even before the middle of the book I was hooked. I like this book too because the chapters were smaller, easier to pace myself. I recommend to anyone that likes a good sci-fi love story. Good thing I was sick for a few days and had all the time in the world to read. It was excellent! Once again, now what am I going to do with all my free time?!?

1 comment:

Brad and Alliene said...

I've been wanting to read this book- so it's worth it? I will have to wait till Christmas break or sometime because I have no time to get into a book right now! You are such a good mom I enjoy reading your blog!