Saturday, November 15, 2008

I love playing tag!

Once again I have been tagged. Too bad for Emily, she doesn't know that most schools have banned this awesomely fun game. Keep it on the DL, I don't want detention for playing. Here goes!....

8 things I am passionate about:

1. Being the best (and most fun) mom I can be.
2. Raising well behaved kids.
3. Family time.
4. Scrapbooking.
5. Taking at least one picture of the kids a day. (they don't stay young forever you know)
6. Being a good wife.
7. Alphabetized DVDs (I know I'm strange)
8. Reading everyday to the girls.

8 words or phrases I say often:

1. I love you
2. Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!
3. Time to wake up sleepy heads
4. What did I come in here for again?
5. Yes Alex, you can have a snack.
6. No Sydney, you can't play your video game.
7. What do you want for dinner?
8. Wanna watch a movie?

8 things I want to do before I die:

1. Have more kids
2. See my kids have kids
3. Be on a reality T.V. show like the Amazing Race or Survivor
4. Get a Mini Cooper
5. Get Clay the Jag he's always wanted
6. Learn to cook Italian food from scratch
7. Go on a cruise as a family
8. Help Clay build our dream home

8 things I have learned:

1. Cats have scratchy tongues.
2. Motherhood is what you make it.
3. Alex and Sydney's laugh can make a rotten day excellent.
4. Looks aren't everything.
5. Clowns aren't funny.
6. Having an eternal family makes life worth it.
7. Little girls can be just as loud and dirty as little boys.
8. Grandparents really do love their grand kids

8 places I would love to go or see:

1. All the temples in the U.S.
2. Egypt
3. Argentina
4. Tour the historical sites of the church
5. Niagara Falls
6. Hawaii
7. The Titanic
8. Times Square

8 things I need or want:

1. I need to get over this cold
2. I need to clean out the back storage room
3. I need a new chair for my living room
4. I need to worry less
5. I want new windows for the house
6. I want AC for the house
7. I want to scrapbook more often
8. I want to visit family

8 foods I love:

1. Millenasa (sp)
2. Moms Enchiladas
3. Uncle Charlie's cooking
4. Charlotte's Thanksgiving spread
5. Ice Cream
6. Kettle/Carmel corn
7. Olive Garden
8. Rolls from Texas Roadhouse

Thanks Em! That was fun.

I tag anyone who wants to play! 1 2 3 not it!!

1 comment:

Amie said...

Roxanne! I loved reading your tag! The comment about little girls getting just as loud and dirty as boys made me giggle! Good to know! I also loved the "What did I come in here for?" one. I ALWAYS say that! You're so fun. I'll try to get some time to do this. I loved reading about you! Are ya SO PUMPED about Twilight tomorrow??? Are you seeing the midnight showing? :)