Friday, April 24, 2009

I have to have these.

Can you say.......GENIUS! I'm so sick of my kids sharing their lunches! Talk about expensive. My sweet little girls think WE need to feed everyone and their dog! I'm either going to have to get these gross out bags or just start buying them gross food that no one would want. Chances are they wouldn't eat the gross food so I'd just be throwing my money away.
It's amazing what some people can come up with. Who would've thought moldy sandwich bags were a winner!

I've seen a lot of lunches go missing from the fridges in the teacher's lounges. I guess I should say, It's amazing what some people will take (and eat). Some people (when hungry enough) wouldn't mind the mold at all. They'd be like my Grandma and just trim the bad parts off. Not me! I would very quietly put that moldy sandwich away where I found it and make a bee line for the nearest loo and loudly expel what ever WAS in my tummy. Mold is NO GOOD for me! What a great April Fool's Day trick for a hubby or kids. Since fake pregnancy tests and massive amounts of debt on credit cards have already been used, this is at least something hubby could deal with! Speaking of April Fool's jokes. I remember the year my mom told my dad she wanted a divorce (not the best idea) for April Fool's Day. He just looked at her and said, "Well, if that's what you want"! I don't think she's tried to do an April Fool's joke on him since. Be careful Fools!

WOW, I'm actually blogging about moldy sandwich bags. Is there anything I won't blog about. I must be pretty bored and need a topic REALLY bad (plus I think they're so cool). If you don't think they're cool you've never had somebody eat YOUR lunch!
If these lunch bags wouldn't make you rethink your lunch options you may need to get some help. Your poor tummy!! So for those parents out there whose kids come home saying my daughters shared a moldy sandwich with them, don't call me. I already KNOW!


Unknown said...

That's just genius ... in a sick sort of way : )

My daughter is a "giver" too ... sometimes I think we give lunch money to have the students in her school. Well, I guess it would be worse if she wasn't a nice person ...

Bev said...

I think these are fun....April fools here we come!! Be glad your girls will share their lunch....never know when they'll need someone to share their lunch with them have taught them right.
I love, love, love your flowers and bee's in the background.....cute, cute, cute!!