Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Fun!

Part of our annual tradition is to go to the annual Easter egg hunt in Bisbee with Nana and Papa. This year was no different. The egg hunt is put on by our local firemen. Each fireman dyes 10 dozen eggs, on top of that about 120 additional dozens of eggs are donated and dyed by local volunteers. This year there were over 6000 hard boiled, dyed eggs. In addition each firemen donates a roll of quarters as prizes. Every year we have gone we have always left with some sort of prize. The kids love it!

This is what Alex's age group part of the field looked like. They had the least amount of kids in this age group so getting eggs was a piece of cake. Alex got an egg with a P on it so she got to go and pick a prize. Now, this is nothing like the Garner Family Egg hunts (you know, egg hunts where eggs are actually hidden) I went to growing up but it's still fun.

You can never have too many family Kodak moments.

Sydney and a good buddy! You can never have too many of those either. She was so glad to see some of her classmates. Sydney's age group went from 7-12. She needs to get way more aggressive if she wants to win more than 75 cents next year. She ran fast but is so nice if someone got to the egg before her she just let them have it! She's our super polite little rockstar!

Daddy videoing Sydney's mass of eggs while Sydney tries to catch her breath. I'm so glad Nana made deviled eggs with all the eggs the girls brought home, or else we would probably still be eating eggs today.

All in all we had a great Easter. We celebrated the more worldly views of the holiday with a visit from the Easter Bunny and an awesome egg hunt. We also celebrated the Resurrection of our savior at church. I'm glad the kids can celebrate with the fun bits that make Easter a special family holiday. I'm also glad that they know the real reason for Easter and that they love their savior Jesus Christ, and that they are grateful for the sacrifices he made for us. I'm so thankful for our special little family and the fact that will be a family through the eternities.

1 comment:

Bev said...

You guys are so lucky. You find the most fun things to do and it was great that Clay and Nana and pappa could come too! Hop, hop!