Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Crazy??.......Who me?

Let me just start off by saying, I am not crazy!! I have had so many people ask me why on earth I would want to be at the school all day when both my kids are in school all day? They say, you could have the whole day to yourself, do what you want to, get a break. Well that's not me! If I stayed home all day, sure my house would be super duper clean but then what? Watch soaps all day, take cat naps, scrapbook till the cows came home. Nope that's not for me. I love working at the school. Now mind you, when I was a stay at home mom I loved every minute of that adventure also. This year preschool sure started off with a bang. We only had four kids from last year return, the rest moved on to Kindergarten. The majority of the kids this year have more severe disabilities than we had in the past. In past years most of the kids that came to preschool, came because of speech.
We've been in school about 24 days now. It's amazing how much a child can change and progress in such a short amount of time. Most of our preschool day is spent socializing. We do lots of playing, some reading, singing, dancing, and passing the bean bag. The little girl I work with has very limited speech but her two favorite things to say are..... I go outside play??.......and Shake, shake, shake your bean bag. What fun to be able to witness such learning going on on a daily basis.
I won't ever say being a teacher is easy, nor is it going to make you rich and famous. I for one, am up to the challenge. I've been thinking a lot about going back to school to get my teaching degree. The more I think about it the better and more excited I feel. I also feel that working with children is the greatest talent I have been blessed with, so I might as well use it. There is just something about kids, I've always had a strong feeling to nurture and teach them. Being at the school full time this year has made me realize that this is what I was meant to do, and I couldn't be happier. Plus, I get to see my own kids everyday, have their schedule, and get to see first hand the progress they are making in school. I love the kids and they love me, what more do I need!!

So, once again. I am not crazy, I just love what I do. The people I get to work with are amazing, the kids are so great, and a little extra money never hurts!

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