Wednesday, September 24, 2008

2nd Day of Cheer.........Hooray!

Sydney is absolutely loving cheerleading. I think we may have created a monster here folks. She walks around clapping and saying the cheers. Even finishes it up with a big kick! I was very apprehensive about signing her up. She has never ever done this sort of thing. I was so afraid of her feeling like she wasn't good enough, being made fun of, quitting, or just not having as much fun as she thought she would. She lacks in the coordination department and can't really memorize songs or chants very well. She has done nothing but squash all my judgements and fears. She may not be as perfect as some of the girls but she works hard, pays attention, and tries her very best. I've never seen my little girl so happy or so excited about something. This was the best $20 I ever spent! She now wants to be a cheerleader when she grows up instead of an Archaeologist. WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!

Way to go Sydney!! We're so proud of you!

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