Sunday, January 29, 2012

An eventful Sunday!

We went to church like any other Sunday. Alex's stomach has been bothering her for over a week now. Last night she was hunched over and crying because it hurt so bad. I peeked in primary to see how she was doing and she was sitting hunched over, arms wrapped around her sides. She looked like she was in so much pain. After sacrament meeting we had asked our bishop, who is a doctor, what he thought. He didn't think it was an appendicitis but that she should probably be seen. We left church a little early and headed to the ER.
After the first nurse couldn't find a vein, made Alex bleed, and made her arm hurt, reinforcements came. A very nice nurse by the name of Jennifer came in, took blood from Alex's other arm and left to run tests.
Alex was very bored, in lots of pain, and very hungry. I kept nodding off and my tummy was rumbling also. After a few hours the doctor came in and said her urine and blood tests were fine. He thought she might have some kind of virus. He said to keep an eye on her and if she started to vomit or run a high fever come back. Home we went to eat lunch.
After lunch the girls played in their rooms, stopping every once in a while for Alex to hunch over and wait for her pain to go away. Their room became a huge mess but they were having fun. The newest game they love to play is recipes. The get bowls and spoons from the kitchen and make recipes with their stuffed animals and different fake spices. It's funny to hear the name of some of the things they pretend to make. The girls friend Madison came to play on Saturday and they must have played this same exact game for almost two hours!
Then after I took my Sunday nap, Alex and I made brownies. For dessert we had brownies and ice cream and played the game we got Clay for his birthday.
It's called beat the parents. It's a trivia game. The adults get questions that kids would know and the kids get questions about stuff adults know. It was way harder then we thought it was going to be. The kids won! We barely moved our pieces. There were lots of Harry Potter questions and stuff we had no clue about. The kids skunked us bad!
All in all it turned out to be a good day. I hope Alex starts to feel better soon. Poor little pumpkin!


Best Nana said...

hi girls have a great day

Bev said...

Sorry to hear about Alex......hope she's soon on the mend. What a way to spend Sunday!!! ps...that game looks fun!

Anonymous said...

I hope Alex feels better. Debbie