Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl 2012

Today started out like any other Sunday. We were up early, went to church ( I loved all the testimonies and the great lesson in relief society), took my Sunday nap, and watched the super bowl! My parents couldn't come down this year to watch it with us, so it was just us having a party. We partied that's for sure! We had a full spread. The MVP of the food table was the grilled asparagus. It was a hit, thanks to our produce man for talking me into buying it. It was awesome, the girls ate it up! We also had zucchini squash, hot dogs, grilled chicken, carrots and ranch, black olives, chips and dip, and soda. We were stuffed when kick off time came around. We saw the Pepsi commercial with Elton John as the king. Sydney ran and found her colored rocks. She looks just like him and his goofy colored glasses. I got a kick out of that!

Clay was really into the game can you tell. He's just doing what his wife doesn't like to do. I did offer but he said no. I sat happily on the couch bundled up watching the very handsome Tom Brady play a good game. (I was cheering for the Patriots because their uniforms were cuter and they have the better looking quarterback, plus I don't like all the showboating Cruz and the rest of the Giants do. I'm sad my team lost but really it's not like I watch every game of the NFL season. I only watch the super bowl.)

Our favorite commercial of the night was this M&Ms commercial. Made me laugh, the song was funny, and the girls are still saying, wiggle wiggle wiggle. Too funny. We also like the new Sonic car commercial because it was filmed in Arizona (At the Eloy Municipal Airport), and because Rob Dyrdek starred in it. He's one funny guy.

Halftime was the best I have seen in a long time. Madonna rocked the stadium. Complete with old songs, cool dance moves, no wardrobe malfunctions, new songs, and of course Madonna herself. Amazing!!

Not your typical Sabbath day that's for sure. Maybe not the most reverent and calm, but we had a great time spending time together as a family. I do have to say this, I completely despise the Go Daddy commercials. I do every year. They're full of half naked girls and provocative suggestive language. I have no idea what they're even pitching or wanting me to buy, of course I'd never check out their website. I'd hate to end up on a site full of smut. They ruin the whole super bowl party experience every year. I wish they would stick to Internet advertising so I can choose not to see their lame commercials. OK, that's my rant! I'm done.

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