Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tooting my own horn!

OK, so I am not one to go around tooting my own horn but I think I've earned the right. I made yet another New Years resolution this year. My resolution was not some unattainable, lose weight, starve, or kill myself goal. My goal this year was to try to get more in shape. I decided on doing push ups and sit ups every day. So far I have done this every single day of 2012 ( I know the year just began but for me that's huge!). Yay me!! I started out doing what I could, now about every week or less I add a few more sit up or push ups. I tell ya, it's been harder than last years resolution of no ice cream and soda (which I stuck to the entire year!). I get up earlier than I use to so I don't have all eyes in the house watching me and critiquing me. I'm not doing this for them, it's for me. I've noticed a difference. I feel great and can't wait to see what the final out come is. I'd rather gain muscle than lose weight. My biceps are starting to resemble something a little like what they looked like in High school. Not that I was a huge body builder or anything but I was one buff chick thanks to hanging out with my brothers and the wrestling team.
If you made a resolution.....stick to it! It's an amazing feeling to know that YOU did it. I keep a journal. It helps me drag my buns out of bed at 4 in the morning to do sit ups. I don't want to miss a day and have a blank line in my journal. I'm putting my horn away now, I'm all tooted out. If you ever need an encouraging word to help you stick to your goal, call me, I'll be there for ya! Good luck!


Bev said...

Good for you!! You make the rest of us slackers look bad.....I can't wait to see those muscles. ps...I can't believe you get up at 4:00...but that's probably why I'm fat and flabby!!

The Kleyn Family said...

As I sit and read this, I'm sitting on the exercise bike. Peddling & thinking this is crappy. Then, BOOM! You're motivating me to keep moving! THANK YOU & keep it up. You're gonna feel great--me & you together! :]

Anonymous said...

What Emily said..... Debbie