Thursday, February 16, 2012

Girls, girls, girls.

What do most kids do if their Mom is taking a nap? I've heard some Mom's don't have the luxury of taking a daily nap. I've heard that they can't for fear of what their kids will do while they are asleep. I don't think I could or would survive if I couldn't take a nap. Lately I've been taking an almost daily nap. My kids are wonderful to let me. They play quietly an entertain themselves while I get a quick hour of shut eye. Yesterday was no different. We got home from school, the girls started their homework and the dishes, I picked up a little bit. The next thing I know I'm waking up from a LONG nap. I had slept almost two hours. I woke up because it was so quiet. Where were the girls? I look around for them. I found them in the back yard like this!
Reading books on the trampoline. My kids are amazing! I think it's a kind of strange way to spend free time, but hey, I got a nap!
They are the best of friends and the best kids any parent could ever wish for. I love my girls. I love my afternoon naps. I love days like these.
Thanks for being awesome girls! Mom loves you!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome daughters! Debbie