Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Poor guy

Last Friday Clay hurt his back. He's had scoliosis since he was a kid. As he gets older the littlest thing can make his back act up. He hikes up mountains every day, sometimes I think he forgets he's not a teenager! The last time he hurt his back he was drying off after he got out of the shower. He made one tiny wrong movement and he was out for a week or so. This time he bent over to tie his shoe and out went his back! Poor guy, now because of his back he's walking around here like he IS an old man. Needless to say, we didn't get to go out or do anything fun for his birthday. I feel bad for him but he was in no mood (or condition) to be hittin the town. Good thing he'll take a rain check. I'll need a night out soon.

He had a good birthday with the usual presents, cake and ice cream. Alex got him a board game, Sydney got him some Garbage pail kid cards (yeah, they're back!), I got him a movie and a couple of gift cards. His Dad also sent him a gift card (thanks Jim), he got countless texts and phone calls from friends and family. It turned out to be a goodnight. He spent the night flat on his back while three of the best nurses any dad could have, showered him with gifts and love. What more could a guy ask for on his birthday.

We love you Clay!!

1 comment:

Bev said...

Hope he's on the mend soon!! In spite of it all it sounds like you all had a good time. Take good care of him!!