Friday, January 13, 2012

Fingers and kisses!

Last week, on Wednesday, Sydney hurt her finger playing tether ball. The school nurse put a splint on and sent her back to class with a pack of ice. Her hand was very bruised and very sore. She went to the nurse this week to get some Tylenol for a headache and the nurse looked at her still swollen still bruised finger again. She called me at the library and said I should get Sydney an appointment with a doctor. The nurse said she no longer thought it was just a jammed finger. I called yesterday and today we had an appointment. Sydney got her hand Xrayed and come to find out she fractured her pinky finger. Nothing they could do for it but it was nice to know (and see) exactly what was going on. It will be two weeks since the injury on Monday and she's still swollen and all bruised up. The picture above is not her Xray. I found this picture online since we don't have our copies yet. I'm sure this won't be the last time she jams/fractures a finger. She has such long thin fingers, and wanting to play basketball and tether ball and all the other sports she want to, I know it won't be too long before it happens again!

This next part is for journaling purposes. I may have written about it before but it won't hurt to do it again! I hope my kids realize what an awesome guy their Dad is. I hope they marry someone with a lot of the same qualities as him.

Every morning, whether I have a day off or not, I get up with Clay to make his lunch and pack his stuff in the car. Some days I would rather stay in bed, then I think, how sad it must be for him to eat breakfast alone, leave without saying goodbye and I love you to anyone, and to have to drive away from a dark sleeping house. So I drag myself out of bed, make his lunch (sometimes grumpily but it gets done), load the car and watch CNN until he's ready to leave. Most mornings we're running around like crazy, all of us trying to get ready for our day. On the days we don't have school it's usually calmer and more quiet since the girls are still in bed. Everyday I walk Clay out to the car, get my kiss goodbye, he tells me he loves me and I wave as he drives away. He'll usually turn on the light inside the car so I can see him waving back to me. Every once in awhile he'll even blow me kisses as he's pulling out. Awww, just makes me smile thinking about it. He doesn't do that to often, but often enough to make it special. See what I would be missing if I stayed in bed and slept. Girls, I love your Dad!


Bev said...

Dang...this post is stinking adorable!! devil!! I love it that he loves you!!! You are a good Momma and wife and a good example to all of us old folks!! You could teach us a few things, for sure!

Bev said...

ps....sorry about the broken pinky, Sydney...dang...that must hurt like a big dog! Proud of her for being so brave.....hope she's on the mend!