Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Work buddies are the best!

Once again Clay's work buddy, Matt, has given the girls some of the best gifts ever. They were so excited to come home from school and find new books! Matt made a long day of school work, a good day! To show Matt how thankful we are for the books, we decided to paint him pictures. Sydney went with the ever popular Red Eyed Tree Frog. I think she did an excellent job!
Alex.....oh my! Yes, my darling little girl decided to paint a picture of a fly and some poo. If that doesn't just scream Thank you, I don't know what will! Hopefully Matt likes it.

I, not having an artistic bone in my body, stuck with the basics, headless ladybug, caterpillar, and butterfly. Yeah, my kids are waaay better artists than me.

Thank you Matt! Our nature, bug, animal, outdoors loving girls loved the books (and the insect books, and the goats, and...... countless other gifts)!

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