Friday, August 12, 2011

The Toe!

Everyone knows just how strong I am! I'm on numerous speed dials for my muscles. When people are moving and need help with heavy lifting, I'm the first person they think of. I'm so strong that I can break bones!! Just so happens I broke Clay's toe yesterday. I'm so buff I didn't even know it. He must be so proud of me as his wife, being so strong and all. I broke it early in the morning yesterday. He went off to work, hiked up mountains, stayed all day, and showed his buddies what his amazing wife did to him. I come home from school and he shows me his purple, swollen toe. What the heck happened?, I say. YOU broke my toe says he, none to happy. WHAT?? Yeah, remember when you put that chair by the desk last night? Well this morning, at 4:15, in the dark, trying to find the light switch, I kicked it and stubbed my toe!! YOU broke my toe! Well don't I feel buff now. I feel bad, but dang, I AM STRONG! I asked if I needed to move the chair. Clay said no, he won't be forgetting any time soon that it's there. Reminds me of the story In a dark dark wood....... Whooooooo's got my toooooooe, but in the case it should be wifey broooooke my toooooe!


Bev said...

Awesome! He'd really have a struggle if he lived in this house of mine....there's crap everywhere. Take good care of him!

The Kleyn Family said...

I cannot count the times my hubby has cursed me and my "crap I leave everywhere." Little does he know those are projects waiting to become... at least Clay's got a war wound to prove it! :)