Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I love surprises!

We took our time getting home today from school. No hurry to get dinner done and sit and visit about our day. I knew Clay went in at noon today, that means he wasn't awake when we left this morning and he won't get off till we're already in bed. A day without seeing Dad is a sad day indeed! We walk in the front door and what do we see? (No, not popcorn popping).... Awww, melt our heart! The house didn't even stink because of the tuna lovin guy. Made me just about cry. I love being left little notes. The girls liked it too.
They did exactly what Dad asked them too. They did their homework, played with the dog, and even cleaned up after themselves. It's amazing what a sweet little note can do to three girls!


Salvage Chic Lady said...


Bev said...

Sweet....Dad knows how to melt his girls hearts! Sweet memories!