Monday, July 13, 2009

Who needs a slip and slide....

.....when you have a SUPER SLIDE! We've had this slide for a few years and have used it once. Since the monsoons came early this year and have been sticking around, the pool has been long gone for some while now. The pool was so hard to take care of with all the rainwater that was getting in it, not to mention the leafs and pine needles and other various things that would blow in with each storm.
So, down comes the pool and up went the water slide. We even put up a little pool for me (and Nana) to sit in and catch some rays while the girls have a blast on the slide!
Then the monsoons struck up again. We did get a few hours of playtime in, then it was back inside to tackle the wall. THE WALL, that's a whole nother post. Uggghhh, I'll have to fill you all in!

See those clouds behind the girls!

We can't wait to play again tomorrow!! If you're in town call us up, we'll have a BBQ and play in the water. Kids of all ages welcome. I even went down the slide time after time (Nana too!). All you big kids out there, this is what summer is all about!!


Bev said...

You guys have the most fun doing nothing. I'll have to come your way and have some fun too, but I don't like to get my hair wet and I hate the sun, no wonder I don't have any fun, huh?

Anonymous said...

We'd love to slide down your slide - sure beats the old fashioned Slip 'n' Slide from back in the day! Debbie

The Egans said...

Wow how fun is that!!!! I do have some decorative stuff.. You just have to come and visit to get it!!! ha show your cousin some love!

Gaylene said...

Oh how fun!!! I want to come over. Do you think I'll pop it. The girls look like they love it too.