Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tuesday's with Alex

Twice a month Sydney has Achievement Days, and they're usually on Tuesdays. Yesterday was an Achievement Tuesday. I love these days. It's my chance to spend a few hours, one on one with Alex. My girls are best friends and do pretty much everything together. To get one alone is very rare, so these days are very special. Sydney and I get our special time in the mornings or evenings. Alex is usually early to bed and late to rise, so we have our special time while she gets her beauty sleep. Yesterday after dropping Sydney off we went to Safeway to check out the rental movies, couldn't find the one we wanted, then Alex spotted Starbucks and asked if we could get one. Yes! I love Starbucks, and since it was our special day a special treat was needed. Good idea Alex. Then we went home, I put on another coat of paint on the kitchen wall while Alex put her feet up and enjoyed being in charge of the clicker (the t.v. remote). When I got done painting we sat and watched an episode of Max and Ruby together. Then it was time to go get Sydney. When Sydney gets home, the girls are so excited to see each other. Like it has been days since they've seen each other. I love Tuesdays with Alex!

1 comment:

Amie said...

What a fun time for you and Alex! It is so important to find special time with each of your kids. It's a time when they're not getting in trouble for pestering someone else, they're not being interrupted, etc. so you can just focus on their personality and get to know them better. My Alex tells me all kinds of things I know he wouldn't otherwise when we have our special time. Cute post Roxanne! And thanks for the reminder! Are you counting down the days until New Moon movie like I am??? I have a huge group of girls going already!!! Hopefully we can all get tickets :) . Does Bisbee have a theatre?