Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Poor Clay, he misses out on all the fun stuff. He actually had the day off this year. He hadn't been feeling well most of the week so he decided to stay home from the fireworks this year. I was so glad when a friend called and invited us to watch the fireworks with her and her kids. Her hubby had to work :(. The kids had a great time, and the show lasted just long enough for them to love it but not long enough to get bored! It was a good show this year. We had fun snacking, enjoying the mini fireworks that were going off before the big show (some good citizens were setting them off, against the law but the kids liked it), and the excellent fireworks show put on by the Bisbee Firemen.
So I mentioned my camera had a beach setting. Well, it also has a fireworks setting (which was totally AWESOME!). Here are a few of my favorites.

We hope you all enjoyed the fourth. It was also my dad's birthday on the fourth. Happy 59th Dad, we love you!

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