Friday, July 31, 2009

It's that time of year again!

On Wednesday we took a little trip to the salon. The kids love going to the salon and getting pampered by our favorite hairdresser Tamara. She's awesome!Alex got a little trim and some layers around her face. Now she is ALL ready for 1st grade!
Sydney getting her hair washed even though we washed it the night before. The hairdresser always does that scalp massage thing, much more fun than a boring hair wash at home, and you get a comfy chair too!
Sydney also got a trim and some layers around her face. She insisted on keeping her hair long. We had to explain to her that without getting a LITTLE trim and cutting the dead ends off her hair would take longer to grow. That did it, in the chair she went. Now she's all set for 3rd grade!
Coming home from Benson we came through the mother of all monsoon storms! There was rain, hail, lightning, thunder, and a massive traffic slowing because we couldn't see 2 feet in front of our car.
These are a few pictures of the storm we went through from our front yard. I was going to try to take pictures of the storm while driving but decided not to. Good thing because it was way scary to drive through!

1 comment:

The Kleyn Family said...

So cute...we need the after pictures of them all done up! And send ome of that rain to Mesa, PLEASE!