Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Who Knew?

Who knew the people I work with are so amazing? I did. I knew this long before this morning. I love everyone I work with. We're like one big happy family. We support each other, we stand up for each other, and we care for one another. This morning when I showed up to work I had this waiting for me on my desk. Along with my tulip plant was a card signed by every single person that works at our school. Not just their signatures either, the card was full of heart felt sympathy for our family and our loss. I dreaded going back to work this morning (it's hard to go after a good week and a half off!). As soon as the first student said good morning to me my attitude changed. I got so many hugs and so many I miss you's. It was good to be back. I'm grateful to have such caring co-workers. Thanks for everything!

1 comment:

Bev said...

Everyone loves you.....but it's always nice when they tell you!!