Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A couple of cute chicks on Easter

My two little cute chicks got a couple of cute chicks for Easter. We kept them in the back room, so it was a complete surprise on Easter! I looked everywhere for some. All the feed stores around here were sold out. When ever I'm in a pinch I call my Mom and Dad, they checked a feed store in Benson and score, we had chicks. They came to my rescue as always!!
Alex loves the little black silky chicks the best.
Sydney loves them all, as long as she gets to hold them she's happy.
We're hoping we can make our chicks as tame as the ones at our friends house. They aren't afraid of us and they don't mind being held. Every spare minute the girls have they're holding their chicks. Way to go Easter Bunny, You Rock!

1 comment:

Bev said...

Cute chicks for some cute chicks....I love it!!