This year, Christmas is different at the Dozier's. We simplified. Very few of our decorations made it out of storage this year. I for one, (and I know Clay really likes this!) think our home feels so much better than it has in past Christmases. We decorated the bare minimum this year. We have the tree up of course and icicle lights on the house. We put out our nativities and a few of our favorite gingerbread things. That's it! It feels wonderful! We love our two new little gingerbread additions, thanks Sara!
Most years, our tree overflows with presents. This year the presents just don't seem to matter much. The kids could care less about what is in the gifts anyways. We haven't even made it to see Santa yet. I did ask the girls what they wanted for Christmas. Sydney said she wants an alarm clock and some books. Alex wants a singing reindeer and a movie. I asked them what else. That's it they said. WOW! I'm asking santa for a Wii, but I know he's gonna say HO HO.... NO! We went through their playroom and donated a ton of their gently used toys to charity. For some reason they had a great time giving their toys away. I never heard the end of buying a new toy, not wrapping it and taking it to the school. They kept sending reminders home from school. I had to keep reminding the girls that we already bought toys for the toy drive, didn't wrap them and turned them in to the office. Well we should buy more mom, is all I heard after that.

This year I decided to let the girls decorate the whole tree themselves. Usually, I will let them hand me the decorations and I will place them. Not this year. I put the tree up, got the ornament box out and let them go to town! They got bored after only half the box of ornaments. The amount they put on is the amount that stayed on. I usually put every single ornament on. I have to say, our tree looks better this year than last year. I'm surprised our tree made it through last Christmas with all the ornaments I put on it! They grouped the ornaments this year, and the majority of them are at the bottom right side. I have had the hardest time leaving my tree this way but I have done it. They were so proud. The missionaries thought it looked ......ummm.....what's the word?.......Nice? The girls were so excited to show them the tree when they came for dinner one night.
I love the feel of my home so much this year I think this whole simplifying thing will carry over into the new year. Not only has the economy made us want to simplify, I have also found it much easier to concentrate on the true reason for the season. We as a family just feel more in tune with each other and the spirit. I'm glad we decorated less and left plenty of room for the spirit to dwell in our home.

We hope you and your have a wonderful and joyous holiday season!