Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Kitchen Light Fiasco!

How many of you remember how we got started renovating the bathroom about 3 years ago? Here's a little refresher if you have forgotten. One day a few summer's ago we decided to take the siding of the kitchen wall and put up sheet rock. Easy enough right? NO! Behind that wall we found nothing but black mold and bugs. The shower had been leaking for years. A simple project turned into a demolition and complete gutting of our 2nd bathroom. Although we haven't been as sick as often since all the mold is gone, it has been a tough few years living with one bathroom for the four of us (three of us being female).

When we took the day off to tile we also decided our kitchen light needed an update. Here is what it looked like. Ugly and old fashioned right?
Simple job. Take the old light down, put a new one up. Wrong. When we took it down this is what we found. I actually thought the brownness around the whole was burned but it turns out it wasn't painted.
Then we start taking a closer look and here is where the fun begins!
The wires were all melted together. It looked like whoever had last worked on the light (could have been the builders way back in 1960 for all we knew), had put black tar on the wires. Come to find out it was electrical tape that had melted. We were thinking we had stumbled onto something that would require us to rewire the entire house or something like that (flash back to bathroom situation) UH OH!
We didn't want to call an electrician, we were afraid he's give us some really expensive news. So we called the next best thing....our home teacher. Over he came, said it was no problem and him and Clay had it rewired and a new light put up in a jiffy!
I love our new kitchen light, it's so modern and pretty. Now we're thinking of tiling the kitchen and redoing the cabinet doors. The only bad thing about the new light, it gives off way to much light. I never knew my ceiling was so dirty!


Bev said...

Don't you just love little projects like little thing leads to 15 bigger things...and thank goodness for Home Teachers, but what good are they if you can't use them! the new light~!

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