Saturday, October 30, 2010

School Pictures

School pictures have come a long way since I was in grade school. I look back a some of mine and cringe. First of all, what was my mother thinking when she sent me to school dressed like that and with my hair done like that! Second of all, they couldn't see a preview like they can now with digital so re-takes were always a must!Glad those days are over! I love Alex's picture. Her choice of frames for her glasses this time are perfect. Hopefully they don't look back and cringe!
It's getting harder and harder to get decent hair in Sydney's pictures the older she gets. When she left the house her hair was curled and she was looking spiffy. Well, the older you get the longer you have to wait for pictures. They start with kindergarten and go up. I think Sydney even went to lunch and recess before her pictures were finally taken. I still think she looks beautiful. I may have to pull some of my employee strings next year and have her picture taken early!!
Then there's me. Since I work at two school's I get two sets of pictures. They're free for staff thank goodness, paying for the girl's pictures is bad enough! This picture looks nice but the other one from the other school.....Horrible! I didn't know it was picture day at the Junior High. I went to school wearing my green eggs and ham shirt. The principal MADE me take my picture. That is just a recipe for disaster! It was nothing like my senior picture in the yearbook in high school though. I was wearing my dad's work shirt! What the heck? I had even had professional pictures taken. Maybe I didn't have them in time for the yearbook, or I was just a slacker and didn't turn them in. Whenever I look at that picture, there is a lot of cringing going on, what was I thinking??!! I did get one good picture out of it this time around. I really don't like school picture day!


The Egans said...

I remember our moms saying how we left the house and our hair was just right and by the time pics came our hair looked liked it hadn't even been brushed that morning. The girls look super cute!

Bev said...

You are all stinkin' adorable!