Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Go Sydney!

New this school year, the fourth and fifth grade classes gather by the flagpole every Thursday and recognize students for weekly achievements. Sydney has been recognized the last five weeks in a row. Once for having all her assignments done and turned in on time including homework, once for cleaning up the bathroom after some messy girls left it a wreck, and also for having a caring attitude for the younger students at school! When you get recognized, you get a blue ticket. The blue ticket is put in a bucket and the last Thursday of the month they draw tickets for prizes. The last two months the prizes have been gift cards to DQ.
Sydney hasn't ever won a prize but you'd never know it. She's just AWESOME, prize or not. Sydney is such a hard worker when it comes to school. She's always caring for others. Last night Alex fell through the net of the trampoline and scraped up her arm. I overhear Sydney telling her "Sorry I wasn't there to catch you Alex". What an awesome little girl, and a great big sister! Good work Sydney, keep it up!!

On a side note, Last Wednesday at our staff meeting, we were informed that our old principal Mr. Taylor has Pancreatic cancer. Today, less than a week later, we learn that he passed away last night. Cancer is very scary and very unsympathetic. Mr. Taylor was a great man, with a loving family. He died at 53 years young. He will be greatly missed and always remembered. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family. We know he is in a better place but we still have reason to mourn.


Anonymous said...

There's nothing like a sister's love! Way to go Sydney! Debbie

Bev said...

Sydney would get my vote too! She's awesome! Alex has a good example to follow!
Sorry to hear about your principle......I hate cancer!