Saturday, March 27, 2010

Uncle Scott comes for a visit

Last Saturday, we spent time at my parents visiting with my Uncle Scott. We slept most of the day because of the late night/ early morning we had at the movie release party. When we finally did climb out of bed we went and had lunch and visited. I think this is maybe the third time the girls have seen my dad's brother Scott. This is only the fourth time in 12 years I have seen him. I think Clay has met him once or twice since we have been married.
It was great to see him and a lot of fun to spend time and visit with him. I know my Dad would like to see him more. When Uncle Scott is here we always make time to go and visit.

1 comment:

Bev said...

From looking at them you wouldn't even know they were brothers. But, I can tell you for sure...the older you get the more your brothers and sisters mean to you!! I couldn't live without mine....oh, nieces and nephews too, and oh.....their kids too!!