Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day Daddy!

My husband loves his girls! I'm not sure I'll be able to say that when they're teenagers, but for right now it's the truth. What an awesome father he is. He does so much with the girls. They learn so much from him. Every night when he gets home from work he is greeted by 3 girls all wanting his attention. What more could a guy ask for (he would probably like some peace and quiet after a long day of work, but no such luck in our home!)

So I saw these questions on my cousins blog and decided to ask them to my kids (Thanks Emily!) Sydney answered some.....
and Alex answered some. It was funny to hear some of their answers. Kids are awesome!
1. What is the funnest thing you do with your Dad?
Alex: Swim
Sydney: go to the bookstore

2. What makes your Dad happy?
Sydney: that we clean up.
Alex: to see his girls

3. What is something your dad is good at?
Alex: working on the computer
Sydney:building stuff
4. How tall is your dad?
Sydney: 6 feet...... I think
Alex: 11
5. How old is your dad?
Alex: 31
Sydney: I do not know......35......wait, 39
6. What did your dad like to play with when he was a kid?
Sydney: Ummmm, cars?
Alex: monster trucks
(Clay is NOT going to be happy that I posted this picture, I personally think it's a very good picture and it shows what an awesome Dad he is! Maybe he won't look at our blog anytime soon so..... Ssshhhhh)
7. What is your dad's favorite thing to do?
Alex: watch t.v.
Sydney: play with us
8. What is your dad's favorite food?
Sydney: Ramen or a salad
Alex: Burger King
9. Where is your dad's favorite place to go?
Alex: to his work
Sydney: Golden Corral

10. What does your dad like best about your mom?
Sydney: doing dishes with her
Alex: that she cleans the house

Like I said.. Kids are awesome. My kids think their dad can do anything. They like to hear him speak Spanish. When he goes outside he is always followed by two little girls. They like making his bed, jumping on his bed, scratching his back, getting tickled by him. They love their dad.

To the greatest Dad ever, we wish you a Happy Father's Day! We love you very, Very, VERY much!

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