Monday, October 31, 2011

This is Halloween!

In fourth and fifth grade the students have to participate in Historical Halloween. Last year Sydney did a report on and dressed up as Cleopatra. This year she chose Mary Ludwig Hayes McCauly, otherwise known as Molly Pitcher! She had to go on stage and present her information and dress in a costume as her historical figure. She did an excellent job!
Alex wanted to be a singer. I made her a rock star version of Taylor Swift!
She loved her PINK hair and her microphone!

My Chicken costume was a big hit at school. All the kids loved it!
After school we had some friends come over for a BBQ and to go trick or treating. There weren't the HUGE crowds like there usually is in our neighborhood, I'm sure it's because Halloween fell on a school night this year. We trick or treated for an hour or so after we ate. Then we spent the rest of the night visiting and passing out candy.
Alex and I made Graveyard Mash (a.k.a DIRT). We had dessert after trick or treating. It was a really fun Halloween.

1 comment:

Bev said...

You guys have the most fun!! I wanna come live with your family!!Love your all!