Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Dad's comic books!

My Dad gave Sydney some comic books (or funny books as my Dad calls them) a few years ago. She's so careful and nice with them. They still look like he just gave them to her yesterday. She was asking me the other night if I could get them out for her. I told her not right then, but maybe later. Enter Dad to save the day.Clay went to the back storage room, dug through a couple boxes, and found his own comic books. They were all wrapped in plastic protectors and some were even unopened. He said they could open them and read them as long as they were careful.
The girls were busy for hours reading Clay's comic books. What a nice Dad to share. Reminds me of when I use to read my Dad's comic books.
Now whenever the girls get bored, we drag out some more comic books. That keeps them entertained for hours!

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