Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Moves and Pianos!

This weekend we got our workout for the summer! We helped Clay's mom move into a new house. It took numerous people from her ward hours to pack everything up. Two U-Haul trips later she was mostly moved. We spent the rest of the weekend getting her unpacked and settled. By the time we left yesterday her house was livable with a few boxes here and there. I did nothing but sleep and rest today. I'm wiped out but glad we could help out. There wasn't a good place to put her piano in her new house. She wanted her grand kids to have it over selling it. I called my dad who just happened to be in the neighborhood at my Grandpa Stanley's house. Within a couple hours it was loaded in the truck and making it's way to our house. Uncle Will brought the piano up to us today on his way to work. The girls love it!
Anyone know a good piano teacher, this piano is about to get a work out!

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