Monday, February 7, 2011


This quote says it all... Sitting in testimony meeting yesterday made me think of just how fortunate we are. We had to have sacrament meeting in the cultural hall and no classes afterwards because of all the water damage caused by frozen pipes. Most people that bore their testimony had similar problems at their houses. We didn't have any problems at our house, I am so glad we didn't. I for one was very thankful for the cold weather. For me, it meant no school!! Wooohoooo, we all know how I like a day off! It also meant I didn't have to worry all day about the girls being warm enough or if they were freezing cold, or if the dog was cold, or if the house was OK. I spent Thursday in bed, snuggled under my blankets and slept the day away. On most days my worrying can be unbearable at times. I worry about everything under the sun, most things I have no control over and yet I still worry about them. Thursday night I was up off and on all night long. I was making sure the dog was comfy, the chickens were warm, the pipes weren't busting, and for some reason I kept waking up checking on our vehicles thinking the cold weather was going to break our windshields. I know, I can be a little psycho! Well this time, all the worrying paid off. We had safe animals, a warm and toasty house and no broken water pipes. We are going to have a huge water bill because I had every tap in the house dripping but it will still be cheaper than having to call a plumber and water damage!

Well come to find out, our next door neighbors (and my dad and half of southern Arizona) didn't fair so well. What do we do? We open our doors to them. We had hot running water and plenty of it. They came and got water for their toilets and dishes, and they came over and took showers, and borrowed tools. What better way to get your neighbors over to your house for a visit. It was a good learning experience for us all, and a great example of service for the kids to learn from. We went to Ace hardware looking for some things, the plumbing isle was packed. It seems everyone here had a break or two. Every store we went to there were people looking for space heaters, electric blankets, and pipe fittings with none to be found anywhere! I felt really bad for all of them. I am so so thankful we didn't have water or gas issues. We all have our tests and trials to overcome. I know whatever happens, heavenly father is there with us to help guide us. I'm just thankful we didn't get the added trial in our lives right now. I'm grateful we were in the position that we were that we could help those around us.
So, here it is, Monday morning and still no school. Our campus still doesn't have water so we got another day off. It's been a 5 day weekend for us! I love it!! The kids were a little mad, but after sleeping in they got over it real quick. Clay also has today off so we get to spend the day as a family, which I love. Hopefully we go back to school tomorrow. I am very thankful for our many blessings and I know that they come from my heavenly father. Stay warm!!

1 comment:

Bev said...

Loved this sweet post and your sweet testimony!! Also, I love, love, love your new blog look!!