Saturday, September 4, 2010

Saturday Morning Cartoons Anyone?

It's Saturday morning. I could be doing a number of things right now since we have a full agenda today. I could be getting ready for the baptism and birthday party we're going to, I could be finishing the 2nd of 3 quilts I have to make this weekend, I could be getting some much needed beauty sleep (we all know I need it!), or I could be getting my fill of Tom and Jerry cartoons on this fine Saturday morning. Am I doing any one of those things? Heck NO, I'm blogging. Priorities people!
I was rudely awakened by our dog this morning. He was barking his play bark. I knew nobody in the house was awake so I reluctantly got out of bed to investigate. Cassius was having a good ol time with his new found buddy, Whip Tail Scorpion. Now if you know my girls at all, they were going to want to see this. What is a mom to do? Catch it of course! They need their beauty sleep too! That's exactly what I did. As of this posting, only Alex has awoken to her surprise. She loves it, wants to know where I got it, and says it's the biggest one she's ever seen. Go me, supermom!!
A couple of weeks ago Clay brought home a surprise for the girls. We love Dad's surprises. This one was one of our favorites.
A baby (baby) Bunny! Awwwww, it's so cute, we all said in unison. Does Daddy know his girls or what? He found this poor bunny in the middle of the road. He tried to shoo it out of harms way but it wouldn't budge. He didn't want it to get hurt, so home he brought it to the wildlife loving girls.
And love it they did. We only let them pet him a little bit, he is a wild animal you know. Then they washed their hands. It was time to let the little guy go free in the safety of our yard.
He still didn't go far but at least he was safe. We haven't seen him since that day. Hopefully he is doing ok, at least we haven't seen him in the middle of the road. Our work here is done!
We may have made a big mistake letting our little bunny go. We have a couple HUGE HAWKS living out back. A little bunny is always on their menu. So are Chickens!! Now that our chickens are laying eggs, we're a little protective of them.
And so to you Mr Hawk we say, watch where you're swooping buddy. We're watching you like a Hawk mister!
I'm off to watch cartoons, Happy Saturday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I, for one, am glad you set aside your busy agenda to blog! Debbie