Sunday, September 5, 2010

Fishing with the boys!

When we went camping with Uncle Will, we also went fishing. The lake was only a couple miles from our campsite. The girls have wanted to go fishing FOREVER, now was their chance. Uncle Will was nominated to be the master baiter. He did a great job. In the end, I don't think he liked his title much. The girls made him re-bait their hooks every other throw or so. He was really not liking fishing I think!
The girls (in the beginning) were so excited to finally get to fish. They had their poles, their hooks baited, and were ready to catch some fish.
Then the waiting began. Not their favorite part of fishing that for sure!
I think Uncle Will and Papa liked the waiting game. Papa slept while Will concentrated. The girls were bored and decided to look for bugs instead. Now they were having fun!
The coolest bugs always seem to find the girls. Alex was visited by a very friendly dragonfly. She was so excited. Sydney said they were good luck. It didn't bring them any luck with fishing, poor girls.
They also found snails. I swear, if these girls could be outside every day surrounded by things most boys would love, they would be in heaven. They are nature/wildlife/insect lovers for sure! I have no idea where they get it from.
Then more waiting, more baiting, and more no biting! We stayed for an hour two. They had had enough. I doubt they'll want to fish again anytime soon. Since we've been home, we've tied a littlest pet shop to each pole. They practise casting littlest pet shop animals in their rooms. If by some miracle we do go fishing again, they'll be master casters!
Then there is Master Baiter himself! He was patient (for the most part) and put up with noisy inexperienced fisher girls. He even went back to the lake (with no little girls) the next day. Still no luck. Let's hear it for determination. Go Uncle Will!

1 comment:

Bev said...

What a trooper Uncle Will can tell he really loves your girls and they really love their Uncle Will too!! Great post!