Thursday, July 22, 2010

Chicks and their chickens

Our chickens have got to be the luckiest chickens ever! They have a nice home built by Clay, they have a guard dog Cassius to watch over them and protect them, they have me to feed and water and clean up after them, and they have Sydney and Alex to play with them and hold them, and love them! Our rooster started crowing this week. Our neighbors say they don't mind, but just wait. There will come a day off when they want to sleep in and they won't be able too because the Doziers have a stinkin rooster! Clay wants me to learn how to clean and cook it. Yeah, I don't think so! The kids want to hear nothing of eating their buddy! He is huge and probably would taste really good but, that's beside the point!
The chickens run when the girls chase them but once they've been caught they're very calm and content being held by the girls. I for one am afraid of them, I think they're ugly, they look like dinosaurs, they have scary beady little eyes. They always chase me when I go out. They think I'm always going to have food for them the minute I walk out the door. They charge and attack and I run in the house scarred. It may be my bright orange toe nails too, I mean how can you miss them! They always try to peck them.
The girls are not afraid of them in the least, they love them. Carry them around, play farmer with them, collect feathers, I usually ask the girls to take the food container out to them once I have filled it because they aren't mean to the girls. I like to take care of them at night, after their roosting.
Awww, isn't he cute. Cassius is an awesome dog. He has only tried once to play with the chickens, that's when they were chicks and brand new to him. Now, the rooster thinks he is a dog and they all get along very well. He doesn't even notice they're around anymore. Good boy Cassius!
Cassius and his BFF playing together. Clay walks outside and Cassius starts hopping around, he knows it's play time. He's very calm and sweet when the girls around, when he sees me he just wants food, but when Clay is around..... wow he is one happy hyper dog!
We love our pets!

1 comment:

Bev said...

Agreed.......I don't like chickens either, or cats or dogs or ........ you get the picture. Cute post!